Glenn Schworm, Co-Founder of VestorPRO

Fund Your Flips with No Money and No Credit

And learn how to use what money you have saved to speed up the process and get to your profit quicker!

We flip homes using other people's money and you can (and should) too!

You will need some capital to fund your business, but where does spending your money end and using other people’s money begin? That’s what we want to show you.. and you’ll be glad we did!

The Money Is Actually The Easiest Part of Flipping

We want to help you create generational wealth!

Guess what? You actually already know how to use other people’s money and in this training we show you how to take what you’re already doing… what you already know… and how to apply the same concepts to flipping homes.

Meet Glenn & Amber

We’re the founders of VestorPro. We started our career in real estate investing out of sheer desperation. We were in $80K of credit card debt and needed to make large chunks of cash to get out from under it. In 2007 we flipped our first house and made $17,000. On our second flip, we profited $33,000 in 33 days. That’s when we knew we were on to something.

We always wanted to help people, so when we proved the model, we set out to do just that by offering and teaching our successful formula and providing coaching along the way. We want to help others change their lives like we changed ours through Real Estate investing. We’ve now flipped over 800 houses and counting. We didn’t have a formal education in real estate investing, but our knowledge comes from hands-on, real-life experience, the school of hard knocks, and a strong desire for a better life for ourselves and our family.

Don't Wait — Get Started!

Demystify the financial needs of home flipping. Discover what money you need to have on hand and what money is available to you for everything else.